What causes us to praise the Lord? For what reason do we praise him?
There can be many reasons; we can praise him for being creator, savior, life-giver, or even the fact that he is Lord.
Reading Psalm 71 today,
"O Lord, you alone are my hope.
I've trusted you, O Lord, from childhood.
Yes, you have been with me from birth;
from my mother's womb you have cared for me.
No wonder I am always praising you!
My life is an example to many,
because you have been my strength and protection.
That is why I can never stop praising you;
I declare your glory all day long. Psalm 71:5-8 (NLT)
Sometimes offering praise to God can feel a bit superficial at best. But when we stop and think about what the Lord has done in our lives, we cannot help but praise him for it.
That's what the psalmist does here, he sees God's hand in his life from before he was born. He sees that his life is an example to others, only because of the Lord.
Take a moment today to ask the Holy Spirit to show you times when he has been there for you, and then, like the psalmist, praise him for it!