Thursday, May 14, 2015

Riding at Night!

Life can be a lot like riding our motorcycles at night.

Do you know how to ride in the dark?  You focus on the light you do have to see by.

Those times when the sun has gone down and we feel the encroaching cold and darkness surrounding us, we focus on the light the Living God has already given us.  The light of knowing His Son, and the light of His word. 

In John 8:12 Jesus said of himself: "I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won't have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life." (NIV)

At night It is also more important  to stay within the boundaries of the road.  At some points on the ride home, when oncoming headlights make it hard to see or the road has turned completely dark, all we have to judge by are the lines painted on the road.  Staying between those lines, we won't go riding off the shoulder. 

Also when riding at night you can judge the road ahead of you if there is someone riding just before you.  You can see the turns, judge the speed, watch for hazards, if their break lights come on.

The Lord has made it very clear in His word how we should live.  From the beginning of the Bible to the end there are boundaries set in place to keep us alive.

Every single time I have gone off on my own, broken those boundaries, I have eventually hit something head on or ended up in a ditch. 

Keeping God's Word  keeps us upright and on the road.  This is especially important during those dark days when the road ahead is hard to see and we are very tempted to stray from the path set before us. 

The Bible is God's word, but it is also full of the stories of men and women who walked with God.  One of the things I truly appreciate about the people in the Bible is how they are portrayed.  Not as perfect people, but as people who chased after a perfect God.  I find it encouraging that David can so gravely sin, and yet still be called  "a man after God's own heart", or how Peter can be so arrogant as to rebuke Jesus, then deny him, yet still be the first to be shown by the living God, the true identity of Jesus.

I can identify with these people, and their lives are recorded for you and for I.  If we pay attention to them, we can truly avoid danger and make it safely home.