Have you ever heard something so loud that it continued to just ring in your ears afterward? Like an explosion or the ringing of a loud bell? Those times the sound just seems to reverberate through your head, still very present long after you originally heard it.
That is how Refuel was for me last night. Preacher Mike exhorted us to "kiss" God. Basically to come to Him, not to ask for anything, just to worship him.
Worship him. When was the last time I simply worshiped him?
I keep hearing this, over and over. It was in my mind last night and it greeted me this morning as I woke up.
As you are reading this, he is present with you. Take a few moments between yourself and him. Do not ask for anything, just speak simple words telling the Lord how you feel about him, thanking him for the blessings you see in your life. Having a hard time seeing those blessings? We all have days like that... Then start with thanking him for sending his son, Jesus Christ, to die on a cross for you. That is something we cannot thank him enough for.
Sometimes it helps to change our posture even. To actually bow down and worship him. Tell him we love him, tell him we are his.
We don't have to wait until Sunday to do this, in fact if we only do this on Sunday, I wonder if we are worshipers at all.
There is an old hymn that reflects this heart of worship.
Lord, You are more precious than silver;
Lord, You are more costly than gold;
Lord, You are more beautiful than diamonds;
And nothing I desire compares with You. -Lord You are
Here is a youtube link if you'd like to sing along
Take that moment today, ask for nothing, simply offer your worship to him.