Yesterday at church, I noticed two very different motorcycles parked next to each other. One bright green Ninja and the other a Harley with a seasoned leather vest hanging from the handlebars.
Each bike belongs to one of our two drummers here at Freedom in Clayton. They were parked together because both men had come to the church early to warm up with the rest of our praise band before the service.
Now these two brothers look as different as their bikes. They even play differently. Yet both are worshiping the Lord with their drums and with their voices. They seamlessly move back and forth during our praise time, sharing their talents equally.
And they both have a contagious joy that never fails to encourage me. I know from personal experience with them, that both have no ego and nothing to prove. They simply come to worship their Lord, and offer their talents to Him. Together, completely united.
What unites them goes beyond a love of riding and music. What makes these very talented men work so well together is their complete dedication to Jesus Christ.
I wonder, what would the church today look like if everyone could see the Jesus in each other as these men obviously do.
With a church like that, the world would be a very different place.
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:34 - 35 (NIV)