Unless you are completely cut off from social media, you are aware of the now famous question "What color is this dress?"
Some people looking at the image of the dress thought it was blue with black lace. Others argued that it was white with gold lace.
Everyone was seeing the dress from their own perspective, believing they were right.
Reading the Word of God can feel like that sometimes. We read that He loves us, but then trials come into our lives that make us question that love. What color is the dress? I'm seeing one color, the Lord is telling me it is another. The Lord tells me He loves me, but if He loved me would He allow...
That is where trust comes in.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)
Yet, isn't it true that the times when we get into the most trouble, are those times when we decide to break away from what the Lord tells us clearly in His word? When we stop trusting Him and start trusting ourselves?
We have a difficult time, we question God, we take matters into our own hands. That's one pattern. Repeat that one, over and over and you will not live a fruitful life in the Lord.
But proverbs is teaching us that when our own view point is telling us one thing and the Lord clearly teaches another, we have to trust the Lord. And with that trust, submit to Him.
That keeps us on the straight path.
Our choices will always follow who we trust most.
What is challenging you today?
Who do you choose to trust?