Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Two Men Named David

Two men named David passed away yesterday.

One, David Bowie.  It would be difficult to be unaware of the impact he had on music, or the amazing talent that kept him making music and reinventing himself right up to the end of his life.  David Bowie is a legend, a man of music.

The other David, was less known.  His name was David Edwards.  Oddly enough I just referenced him a few blogs ago.  He was president of the Bible College at the time I attended, many, many years ago.

Here is a sample of some of the comments that were made since his passing.

" Great man of God!  I'm sure all of heaven is rejoicing as they receive him!"

"A pillar.  His straightforward, no-nonsense approach accompanied by the gleam of joy in his eyes commanded the love and respect of students, staff and faculty.  He was a man of God whose example elicited the same.  He didn't push, he led."

There were many more like that, the same term repeated over and over.

Man of God.

I do not know if David Bowie knew the Lord or not, I'm would not make a judgment on that either way, and that is not my point.

However when I think of a life spent making an impact, I cannot help but wonder about my own life.  What would I want people to say about me when I pass?  As a musician, I could never even dream of making the mark David Bowie made.  Few musicians could ever  repeat that kind of status.

But sitting here, thinking of the lives of these two Davids, and their passing; I know where I want to make my impact.  I know what I want to hear when my life on this earth comes to a close.

 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'
Matthew 25:23

"Brothers, what we do in life...  echoes in eternity." - Maximus, Gladiator