A while back we lost power for about seven hours. It wasn't too bad, we fared much better than others in the area.
We had a gas fireplace and stove, the one area we missed was light. Candlelight was OK, but more light would have been better.
So when it was all over my wife and I talked about being a little better prepared the next time. Maybe get a kerosene lamp or two. We'd have better light.
Time passed, life goes on.
Then yesterday a rapid change in weather threatened thunder storms and even tornadoes!
In all the days between the two storms we did not purchase the lamps. All those days of stores open and chances to buy a lamp, that we didn't take advantage of.
Fortunately the power did not go out, this time.
Eventually odds are we are going to find ourselves in a night were those lamps sure will come in handy!
Often we can approach our walk with the Lord in the same way. We go about day to day as things are calm and we may not realize our need for him, for his word, or for fellowship with other believers.
But then the storms of life come and we find ourselves ill prepared to deal with them. Darkness comes and it becomes painfully obvious we did not take advantage of those times of light.
Unlike those kerosene lamps however, the thought that we can neglect our Christian walk is an illusion. We need to build on the rock of Christ daily. Because sure enough, the storms will come, and that is not the time to be left in the dark.
"Then Jesus told them, 'You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going. Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light.' When he had finished speaking, Jesus left and hid himself from them." John 12:35-36 (NIV)