Monday, February 15, 2016


I will get back to the Good Samaritan tomorrow, however, this was on my mind today.

I recently purchased a game called "Tangoes."  It is a game where you are given a set of differently shaped tiles and many cards with a picture on each. Something like a bunny or a boat.  The task is simple, use all your tiles to create the shape on the picture card.

The trick is you are not shown how your tiles are to go together to make the shape.  You only know that they should all go together to make the bunny (I like the bunny...) or whatever is presented on the card.

At times some of the shapes I have to make actually look impossible to me.  I figure there has to be a mistake, the picture isn't right.  I don't have enough tiles or too many, something!

However if I don't give up I soon see that yes, all the tiles will go together to form the picture exactly as it is shown.  In fact, once I see it, I wonder why I ever doubted it at all.

Life with the Lord can be that way, we can feel like what we are going through does not align with what we know of our God who is loving and true.  We can get frustrated because we look at our life and at the Bible and the two don't seem to match up. 

But much like my Tangoes game, the picture of our life is obtainable, and we have all the tiles we need.  Once our perspective shifts, everything can fall into place.

And sometimes that only happens if we hang in there and not give up.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)