Lately I've been doing some interesting reading, where some of the authors do not believe the Bible is God's word. In fact, they refer to the creation account in Genesis as a myth and completely discount things like miracles. To them the Bible is a storybook written by men.
I have to say, their opinion really doesn't bother me, at all. I respect their right to believe as they do.
How could I say such a thing?
Because I don't expect those who do not believe to have reverence for God's word. As Paul says, "but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles" 1 Corinthians 1:23 (NIV)
But I can tell you, what does bother me; in fact, it is something that greatly concerns me.
Those who say they believe the Bible is God's word, yet spend no time in it. Those who get all offended at the opinions of others when it comes to the Bible, yet show contempt for it by spending little or no time in it at all.
There is a popular ad on Christian radio, it talks about how getting to know God takes less time than changing your computer password. That ad appeals to the laziest of our nature. As if God is there, begging us to give him such a small effort to get to know him.
"Really, please, just a few minutes of your day..."
One of the primary ways to get to know God is to spend time in his word. An unread Bible collecting dust on the shelf of an unbeliever is understandable, the unread Bible in the home of a believer is inexcusable.
My tone may sound a little harsh, but we are bikers and are known for telling it like it is, right?
I have been thinking about what Preacher Mike said last Sunday, how people don't spend time in the Bible simply out of laziness.
It's time our actions spoke louder than our words.
If you believe the Bible is God's word, then get into it.