In the movie "Wayne's World," Wayne and his friend Garth are in a music store. Wayne regularly visits an expensive guitar that he does not have the money for, but nevertheless wants.
Jesus promise that he will return and take us to a place he's prepared, isn't meant for us to have to "white knuckle" it through this life, as if we are to hold on until that time.
Garth shouts at him to, "Stop torturing yourself man! You'll never afford it! LIVE IN THE NOW!!!"
To which Wayne replies, "It will be mine. Oh yes. It will be mine!"
As a Christian, we need to live in the now. We have present circumstances that need to be dealt with. Thoughts of heaven and eternity don't always seem to help when we are dealing with everyday problems of life.
Or do they?
Jesus promise that he will return and take us to a place he's prepared, isn't meant for us to have to "white knuckle" it through this life, as if we are to hold on until that time.
It's more about putting this life in perspective, knowing that it will not last forever, that the kind of information about our future that he gives can assist us today.
That is called hope, as Paul tells us, "...hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us." - Romans 5:5 (NIV)
And oh, spoiler alert, Wayne did purchase that very guitar before the movie was over!