It's interesting to drive 1,800 miles in a couple of days. Something rather basic stood out to me.
The further north we got, the less we saw North Carolina license plates. In fact, by the time we hit New Hampshire, we were the only ones on the road.
Then, when the trip south began, we were surrounded by each state's plates with others slowly mixing in. Eventually we were, once again, in North Carolina, and our plate no longer stood out.
I thought about how, when we were the only NC plate in sight (and people knew nothing about NC) people would judge our entire state by how I drove. If I cut someone off, they would think our state is rude, if I stopped to let a car into traffic they would think our state is polite.
We were ambassadors for North Carolina!
The same could be said for us as Christians. It's easy to get away with things when we are surrounded by brothers and sisters in the Lord who know us and love us. It is another thing to have our faith judged by our conduct when we are the only Christians that people may know, personally.
...And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. " 2 Cor 5:19b-20 (NIV)
Think about this past week so far, how have you represented the Lord?