For the Labor Day weekend, we drove 900 miles from North Carolina to New Hampshire, and 900 miles back.
1800 miles.
When you are looking at a trip like that, you have to put your mind into a special place. I see the odometer read 1 mile, then 2, then 10, etc. At first those 900 miles seem like they will take forever.
But if I focused my mind only on that, I would miss the whole point we drove rather than flew. The amazing countryside, the rolling hills and impressive landscapes.
It's easy to become weary on a trip like that, if you focus only on the miles left to go. But if you stay present, and enjoy the little things along the way, it makes all the difference.
The same can be said for our lives here on earth. Eternity may seem far away, but with each passing moment it is getting closer. So let's spend our time as best we can while we are here.