Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Subjective Truth

This morning when driving to work on the expressway, I saw a sign that read, "Construction, maintain safe speed"

I could not help but think how pointless this sign really was.  Not in that it pointed out the construction, or the need to watch my speed, but that it allowed each driver to decide what a safe speed would be.

My conviction was enforced as I watched cars zooming around, choosing their safe speed to be faster or slower than my own.  Everyone's interpretation of what a safe speed was, for that particular stretch of road, was different.

And they might not all be correct.

It's like music.  I can tune my guitar so that it is in tune with itself and sounds fine, but it can be off when compared to other guitars that are tuned to the standard tuning.  If I play alone, it sounds great, as soon as I play with others, the difference is blatantly obvious.

Now with some things, life can move along just fine with what is called subjective truth.  But for salvation, there is only one clear answer. 

Speaking of Jesus, Peter said."Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12 (NIV)