The other day, driving to work I noticed a woman riding her motorcycle on 540, where the traffic runs from 70 to 80mph.
Commuter traffic.
What stood out to me was her shoes. She was wearing high heel open toed shoes.
Now, I'm not one to judge anyone for what they wear when riding. We all have our different convictions on that.
But there is no doubt that those shoes were not a great idea, no matter how you ride. Sure, if she didn't need to stop short, if it didn't rain, if there wasn't road debris, if she didn't wreck... the list goes on. If the ride was perfectly smooth then I'm sure she'd be ok.
Do that once, you take a chance, do that as a habit, chances are, eventually things will go bad. It's simply better to be prepared.
The same could be said for understanding our faith. You can know in your heart that Jesus is Lord, and you could live under that Lordship. However, the first time someone asks you for reasons why you believe that, if you don't have another answer than "because I do" you will be coming up very short indeed.
Reading 1 Peter 3:15(NIV)
"But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect"
The answers are there to give, just like the boots, I'm sure, were there for that young lady to wear. We have to take the time to ready ourselves, we need to be prepared.